Anabolic Steroids Addiction

Anabolic Steroids Addiction

There are thousands of different drug options available, and can be injected into a muscle, taken by mouth as tablets, or applied to the skin as creams or gels. They are classified as Class C drugs which means it is not illegal to possess them for personal use. While they should only be issued by pharmacists to patients with a prescription, users commonly find alternative, easy access to the steroids.

  • Don’t confuse anabolic steroids with ordinary steroids (prednisolone) which are powerful anti-inflammatories and sometimes prescribed by the doctor.
  • However, it’s illegal to possess, import or export anabolic steroids if it’s believed you’re supplying or selling them.
  • We offer an online continuing care programme which runs for 24 weeks after leaving treatment, in order to ensure a smooth transition back into your everyday life.
  • If you believe you have muscle dysmorphia, it’s important to speak to a doctor or mental health professional instead of taking anabolic steroids for a ‘quick fix’.
  • The impact for users is usually much less visible – from muscle damage to neurological damage – making it harder for friends and family to spot, intervene and support an addict.

You might also suffer a range of withdrawal symptoms that will make you feel unwell. Since steroids have the potential to boost strength as well as confidence in the user, there is a strong urge to use them over and over, which can then result in a substance use disorder. It should be known though that abuse of steroids can have devastating consequences for both mental and physical health. The first stage of steroid addiction treatment involves steroid detoxification.


You can start the recovery process and get back into perspective and live a healthy and happy life. His expertise covers a broad of topics relating to addiction, rehab and recovery. Boris is an addiction therapist and assists in the alcohol detox and rehab process.

See your doctor without delay and discuss things in confidence, or contact Frank (see above). Whatever you feel about your body size and shape, anabolic steroids are not the solution. Using anabolic steroids results in muscular growth and development above and beyond what is possible solely from good nutrition and weight training. Anabolic steroids are prescription-only drugs that are often taken illegally.

The Effects of Anabolic Steroids on the Skin

EasyGym, the low-cost national gym chain, has recently installed sharps disposal bins into all of its changing rooms. The external results of steroid use – bulging biceps, chiselled chests and formidable forearms – are compatible legal body building steroids with the notion of beauty perpetrated by modern societies obsessed with image. However, the internal effects of steroid use, as outlined in this article, are compatible only with shorter lives of greater pain and struggle.

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You may start to develop an unstable mindset, also known as “roid rage,” psychosis and mania. This volatile behaviour, and lowered inhibitions increase the chances of violence and physical harm. Unlike other medications, mixing alcohol and steroids doesn’t create a buzz, but you may drink alcohol when on steroids to feel calmer or relaxed. As with other medications, regularly mixing steroids and alcohol can have dangerous consequences.

The Complete Guide to Anabolic Steroid Abuse

Over time, excessive and frequent anabolic steroid use can have a range of negative effects on your health. For example, it can negatively impact your cardiovascular system – increasing the risk of blood clots, heart attacks, artery damage, and stroke. Anabolic androgenic steroids are the same as anabolic steroids – however, the androgenic component refers to the fact that this type of steroid stimulates male characteristics.

The cost of rehab varies depending on what kind of accommodation you choose. You can pay for treatment at Castle Craig privately, or through medical insurance, and some people receive funding through the NHS. Anabolic steroids, officially known as anabolic-androgenic steroids, are a group of synthetic substances that mimic the naturally occurring hormone testosterone. Anabolic steroid use gives people a fast way to bulk up and make them feel a certain way.

If someone you know is abusing steroids, the first thing you will probably notice is that he or she has gained weight or muscle quite quickly. You might perceive a growth of facial hair if this person is female, and an outbreak of acne could also be noticeable. Secondary addiction treatment can ease the transition from rehab to your day-to-day life, providing you support along your recovery journey. Whether you receive telephone support, online support, or ongoing treatment, aftercare can streamline your recovery.

Steroids taken in small doses for a limited time can give relief to people suffering from many muscle-destroying ailments. For people wanting to put on muscle, they take it in high doses consistently with no end in sight. This puts them at risk of having side effects from steroids and health problems. If you stop using steroids, you are likely to experience a strong desire to take them again.